Miadesk Clarification Text

This clarification text has been prepared by Miadesk Yazılım A.Ş. (hereinafter referred to as “MİADESK”) as the data controller within the scope of 10th Article of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Complied with in Fulfilling the Obligation to Clarify.

Personal data collected and processed by Miadesk ”takes the necessary technical and administrative measures, using its technological and infrastructural facilities, in order to ensure that personal data is stored securely and processed in accordance with the law, within the framework of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) and the relevant legislation.

What Are Your Personal Data?

All data or datasets that make a person identifiable directly or indirectly are considered personal data. Identifiable information such as name, surname, place/date of birth, phone number, CV, photo, voice recording directly belonging to the person or created on behalf of the person can be given as an example.

Personal data obtained from you, our valued online visitors, within the scope of the use of Miadesk Portal, is processed by Miadesk for the purposes of creating online reports, making usage analysis, executing activities for customer satisfaction, support services, communication activities and campaigns, and tracking requests/complaints

The categories of your other personal data that may be processed by Miadesk are listed below:

Account and Profile Information: For Miadesk users, Credential Information, Name-Surname, E-Mail, photo on Microsoft Azure Active Directory is collected. For user information of organization users, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, readable with User.Read.All, published at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/permissions-reference, with Microsoft Graph and Partner Center API access User and its license information is collected. We may collect information about you only if you edit your profile and set preferences on the Service. For instance, when you pay for the System, you provide your contact information and, in some cases, your billing information. You also have the option to update settings, such as Platform administrators.

Content you provide through our website: The Service also includes our websites owned or operated by us. We also collect other content you post through the Miadesk Portal, including social media or social networking websites operated by us. For example, when you provide feedback or participate in any interactive feature, such as a survey, form, contest, promotion, sweepstakes, activity, or event, you are providing content to us.

Payment Information: We collect certain payment and billing information from you when you sign up for a particular paid service. For instance, when you select a paid offer, we will ask you to appoint a billing agent, including name and contact information. In addition, you may provide your payment information, such as credit card details, that we collect through the secure payment processing service.

Service usage: We keep track of certain information about you when you interact with and visit our Service. This information includes user information on Azure AD, local user information on the device, Organization and company information saved in Azure AD.

Log Usage: For log records and digitally accepted contracts, the user’s internet IP address is the data used and collected for your personal data.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: Like our advertising and analytics partners, miadesk and our third-party partners use cookie information and other tracking technologies (e.g., web beacons, device identifiers, and pixels) to provide functionality and to recognize you from different Services and devices.

Other Users of the Service: Administrators of applications appointed by your company’s global administrator can access to the information you provide using the service. The app is designed to provide Microsoft 365 and Azure management information and tips for both you and your organization, thus, the information you provide will be written into your company database (hosted in Microsoft Azure) for data analysis and reporting for company use.

Purposes of Processing Personal Data, Collection Method, and Legal Reason

Miadesk, processes your personal data in accordance with the law, in connection with certain, clear and legitimate purposes, in a limited and measured manner, adhering to the general principles in the 4th Article of the Law.

Personal data processing purposes may differ depending on the types of personal data processed, the products, and services you use, or your request and consent.

  • - Preservation of your information, which must be stored in accordance with the relevant legislation; copying, backing up to prevent loss of information; controlling the consistency of your information; taking the necessary technical and administrative measures for the security of your information,
  • - dentity information, contact information, subscription information, information on sales channels, information on product and service usage, and billing information are processed with regulatory and supervisory institutions in order to fulfill legal obligations required or mandated by legal regulations, to carry out legal pursuits and legal processes.
  • - Execution of advertising, campaign and promotion processes related to the services offered by Miadesk and conclusion of a contract with you for these purposes,
  • - Increasing product and service quality,
  • - Confirming your company or identity information and documents when necessary; taking necessary actions to detect and prevent abuses, loss, and fraud,
  • - Preservation of your information that needs to be stored; backing up information to prevent loss of information; controlling the consistency of your information,
  • - To detect, prevent, and address technical problems.

Transfer of Personal Data

Your information, including your Personal Information, may be transferred and retained on computers located outside your region, city, country, or in a jurisdiction where data protection laws may differ from those in your country.

Your personal data specified in article (d) of this clarification text, in line with the realization of the purposes specified in (b) and limited to the fulfillment of these purposes, in services located abroad on Microsoft Azure Data Centers, where the data of your Microsoft services you have used are located, the personal data processing conditions specified in the 8th Article of KVKK, and the above-mentioned purposes can be transferred limitedly.

If you are located outside Turkey and have chosen to provide information to us, please note that we transfer and process data, including Personal Data, in Turkey.

Submitting such information following your consent to this Privacy Policy indicates your acceptance of this transfer.

Your rights in accordance with the 11th Article of KVKK; by applying to our company, regarding your personal data, you have the right to;

  • - Learn whether it is processed or not,
  • - Request information if processed,
  • - Learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
  • - Know the third parties to whom it was transferred in the country/abroad,
  • - Request correction if it is incomplete/incorrectly processed,
  • - Request deletion/destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the 7th Article of the KVKK,
  • - Request notification of the transactions made in accordance with subparagraphs (e) and (f) above, to the third parties to whom it has been transferred,
  • - Object to the emergence of a result against you as it is analyzed exclusively by automated systems,
  • - Demand the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing.

Pursuant to paragraph 1 of the 13th Article of the KVKK, you can send your request to exercise your above-mentioned rights via writing or other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board to our company via e-mail to guclu@miadesk.com

Preservation of the Data

We use Microsoft Azure Services to store the information we collect and use technical measures to keep your data safe.

When implementing security measures designed to protect your information, it is important to remember that no security system is insurmountable, and due to the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that data is secure from unauthorized access by others while it is transmitted over the Internet or while it is stored in our systems or otherwise in our custody.

How long do we preserve information ?

How long we retain the information we collect depends on the type of information, as described in more detail below. After this period, we delete or anonymize your information; or if this is not possible (for example, where information is stored in backup archives), then we will store your information securely and separate it from any other use until deleted.