Cookie Policy and Clarification Text Regarding Cookies

This Cookie Policy and Clarification Text (“Policy”); contains the principles regarding the use of cookies about Miadesk’s website (“Website”) that is operated by Miadesk Yaşılım A.Ş. (“Miadesk”) and as Miadesk, due to the fact that the Website is operated by us in the capacity of data controller, it also contains our statements and explanations regarding the purpose of data processing, data categories, the method and legal reason for data collection, to whom and for what purposes it can be transferred, the data processing period and your rights regarding your data.

The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, especially the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVK Law”). You can find the text of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data here:

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files created on you device by a website and contain data in name-value format. It stores your usage habits and preferences on the browser while you use any website.

Cookies are used to save time and provide a better internet experience. Cookies that are created by a website are stored by the web browser you use to access the site, and remote access to the information contained in the cookies is only possible by the websites served under the domain name that created the cookie (e.g. and if you use the same browser.

What are the types of cookies ?

Session Cookies

Session cookies are cookies that are valid during your use of the website and remain valid until the web browser is closed.

Persistent cookie

Persistent cookies are used to remember your preferences on the website and remain on your desktop or mobile device even after you close your browser or restart your computer.

Mandatory Cookies

These cookies are mandatory for the website to function properly and for you to benefit from the features of the website and the services offered.

Functional and Analytical Cookies

These are the cookies that are used for purposes such as remembering your preferences, using the website effectively, optimizing the site to respond to your requests and containing data about how you use the site. By their nature, these types of cookies may contain your personal data. For example, cookies that save your site’s display language preference are functional cookies.

Tracking Cookies

Tracking cookies are primary and third-party cookies created during your visit to our website and third-party domains. These cookies make it possible to track your click and visit history in the domains where they were created, and to match these records between different domains. These types of cookies are used for the purpose of recognizing and profiling users, targeting advertising and marketing activities and customizing the content. These cookies will not be used to identify you or make personal decisions.

Cookie Management

  • -  Viewing and deleting saved cookies
  • -  Blocking all cookies
  • -  Blocking cookies from certain sites
  • -  Deleting all cookies when you close your browser
  • -  Blocking third-party cookies

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to monitor the activity on theportal.miadesk.comwebsite and our service, which belongs to Miadesk, and to keep certain information.

Examples of cookies we use:

Session Cookies: We use Session Cookies to operate our Service.

Preference Cookies: We use Preference Cookies to remember your preferences and various settings.

Security Cookies: We use Security Cookies for security purposes.